Join me live on on Thursday, January 16, at 7:00 PM Yerevan time, for a discussion on the potential impact of Donald Trump’s presidency on the South Caucasus and the prospects for Armenian-American relations.
No registration is required to ask questions.
Share your questions, and let’s talk!
What could Armenian Daspora do in practice to help Armenia? Which of the following will have the biggest impact a) lobbying the US government to provide diplomatic, economic and military aid to Armenia? (and not to do the same to az), b) direct monetary support (e.g. via pan-Armenian funds, or buying Armenian products), c) direct involvement in Armenia (e.g. moving there), d) anything else?
How can you explain relatively low impact of Diaspora on Armenia? Most notably, limited success of (a)?
Եկեք մեկընդմիշտ հրաժարվենք մեր քրիստոնեական անմեղությունից…!!! Երբեք պատմության մեջ և աշխարհիկ դժբախտությունների պայմաններում մնացած քրիստոնեական աշխարհը երբեք չի եկել մեր պաշտպանությանը!!! Ճիշտ հակառակը!!!
Let us renounce our Christian innocence once and for all…!!! Never in history and in the face of worldly misfortunes has the Christian world ever come to our defense!!! Quite the opposite!!!