Thread Rules

1. No personal attacks/insults
Members must engage in respectful discourse, avoiding personal attacks or insults to ensure a constructive environment.


2. No racism, bigotry, or hate speech
Discriminatory language or hate speech based on race, ethnicity, religion, or any other characteristic is strictly prohibited.


3. No trolling
Trolling behaviors are not allowed to maintain the quality of discussions.


4. No advocating, justifying, or celebrating violence
Any form of content that promotes, justifies, or celebrates violence is forbidden.


5. No sharing or posting any content which promotes hatred
Content posted from other forums, groups, channels, and social media communities that promote hatred is prohibited.


6. No metatalk about moderation allowed
Discussions about the moderation policies or actions should be directed to the moderators privately and not discussed in public threads.


7. No off-topic content 
Threads must be relevant to the ArmAGORA’s main topics to keep discussions focused and meaningful. Topics are Armenia; Diaspora Communities; Artsakh; Education; Politics; Culture and Identity; Healthcare; War, Conflicts and Security; Economy, Finance and Business; Science, Technology and Innovation; Society.


8. No agenda pushing
Content that aggressively pushes a specific agenda is not permitted to ensure balanced and unbiased discussions.


9. No editorialization of article headlines, cross-post titles, or allowed social media content
Headlines and titles must remain accurate and unaltered to prevent misinformation.


10. Content should be in Eastern Armenian, Western Armenian, English, or Russian
No Armenian transliteration is allowed.


11. Thread submissions must be verifiable
Please link directly to a reliable source that supports every claim in your thread title and description.


12. No misleading/inaccurate/unverifiable/not supported by source claims
Posts that omit essential information, or present unrelated facts in a way that suggests a connection will be removed.


13. No non-journalistic news sources are allowed
Only reliable journalistic sources are permitted to ensure the credibility of shared information.


14. No usage of all CAPS in post titles
Using all capital letters in post titles is not allowed as it can be seen as shouting and disrupts the reading experience.


15. No attacks against a voter base
Criticism of ideas is acceptable, but attacking or generalizing an entire voter base is prohibited to maintain respectful discourse.


16. No screenshots or images of news content
To respect copyright and ensure accuracy, screenshots or images of news articles are not allowed; links to the original content should be used instead.