Davit Akelyan
August 14, 2024

How might a Kamala Harris or Donald Trump presidency shape the future of Armenian-American relations?

As the 2024 U.S. presidential election approaches, many communities, including Armenians in the U.S. and abroad, are closely examining how the potential leadership of candidates could impact their interests. Given the differing policies and global perspectives of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump, understanding their potential influence on Armenian-American relations, diaspora support, and broader geopolitical issues is crucial and I think should be paid proper attention from Armenians all over the world.

Also there is an interesting article on topic: https://www.civilnet.am/en/news/793306/what-would-a-harris-or-trump-presidency-mean-for-armenians/


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Valeri Mirzoyan

How would someone want Trump to take over the administration after reading this article?