October 23, 2024

6 poll questions on the Third Republic of Armenia

What are the most important achievements of the Third Republic of Armenia? (choose up to 3 answers)

What are the biggest failures of the Third Republic of Armenia? (choose up to 3 answers)

In your opinion, will the peace treaty prevent a military attack by Azerbaijan in the coming years?

What are the 3 biggest threats to Armenia today? (choose up to 3 answers)

Should Armenia conduct a balanced foreign policy that implies significant improvement of relations with both the West and Russia at the same time?

Can Armenia reduce the influence of superpowers enough to achieve full sovereignty?

The poll is available until 11.11.2024
October 15, 2024
War, Conflicts and Security

5 Poll Questions on Energy Security

1. What kind of energy sources should Armenia focus on?

2. In the case of normalization of relations, should Armenia buy gas from Azerbaijan if it is the most affordable option available?

3. What should be Armenia's energy independence strategy?

4. Should Armenia give up its nuclear power plant if establishing peace with Azerbaijan depends on this condition?

5. Do you believe Armenia’s shift from Russian to US-made nuclear technology will enhance the country’s energy independence, or will it create new dependencies?

The poll is available until 21.10.2024
October 10, 2024

5 Poll Questions About Education

Do you believe that the construction of the Academic City is justified at this time?

What is your stance on the proposed bill "On Higher Education and Science"?

Would you encourage your child to pursue a career in teaching?

Would you be in favor of funding education and science through a 2% increase in income tax?

What is your perception of Armenia's education system, and how does it prepare our youth for the future?"

The poll is available until 14.10.2024
September 30, 2024
Culture and Identity

What is the foundation of your Armenian identity?

What is the foundation of your Armenian identity?

Հարցումը հասանելի է մինչև 07.10.2024
September 23, 2024

What should be the top priority for Armenia’s development over the next decade?

What should be the top priority for Armenia’s development over the next decade?

Հարցումը հասանելի է մինչև 30.09.2024
September 16, 2024
Culture and Identity

Does Armenia need to adopt a second official language? If so, what language should it be?

Does Armenia need to adopt a second official language? If so, what language should it be?

The poll is available until 19.09.2024
September 12, 2024
Diaspora Communities

Do you think the distinction between Armenia and the Diaspora is an artificial construct?

Do you think the distinction between Armenia and the Diaspora is an artificial construct?

The poll is available until 16.09.2024
September 12, 2024

What should Armenians currently focus on: a stronger Armenia or a stronger Diaspora?

What should Armenians currently focus on: a stronger Armenia or a stronger Diaspora?

The poll is available until 12.09.2024
September 2, 2024

Is Armenia moving in the right direction today?

Is Armenia moving in the right direction today?

The poll is available until 09.09.2024
August 15, 2024

What are the primary obstacles to effective cooperation between Armenia and the Diaspora?

What are the primary obstacles to effective cooperation between Armenia and the Diaspora?

Հարցումը հասանելի է մինչև 04.09.2024