March 19, 2025
Culture and Identity

National Identity crisis

What is the biggest threat to our national identity today?

What is your stance on the debate regarding the history of Armenians and the history of Armenia?

Should Armenia invest efforts and resources in the Diaspora to preserve the Western Armenian language?

What primarily unites Armenians in Armenia and the Diaspora?

In your opinion, can the Diaspora survive without Armenia?

The poll is available until 05.04.2025

March 11, 2025
War, Conflicts and Security

Reasons for the Defeat

What do you consider to be the main reason for the defeat in the 44-day war?

In your opinion, how well-prepared was the Armenian army for military operations before the war?

Could the 44-day war have been prevented?

How would you assess the level of organization and unity within Armenian society during the 44-day war?

What should be the main lessons of the 44-day war for Armenia? (Select up to 2 options)

In your opinion, how much personal responsibility does each of us bear for the outcome of the 44-day war?

The poll is available until 19.03.2025

February 26, 2025
Culture and Identity

Armenian Heritage Preservation

What do you consider the most important elements of Armenian cultural heritage? (Select up to 3)

What do you think is the biggest threat to Armenian cultural heritage today?

Which of the following do you believe should be the main source of funding for Armenian cultural heritage preservation?

How concerned are you about the destruction and erasure of Armenian cultural heritage sites outside of Armenia, including Artsakh?

Are you aware of any programs, organizations, or initiatives dedicated to the preservation of Armenian cultural heritage?

The poll is available until 11.03.2025

February 5, 2025

Armenia-Azerbaijan Relations

How do you perceive modern Azerbaijan?

In your opinion, what is the primary driving of anti-Armenian sentiment in Azerbaijan? (select up to two options)

Is Armenian-Azerbaijani reconciliation possible? (select up to two options)

How effective do you believe the international community is in addressing anti-Armenian sentiment in Azerbaijan?

Do you believe that meeting Azerbaijan’s demands would contribute to lasting peace?

What is your stance on President Aliyev’s proposal for the resettlement of Azerbaijanis in Armenia?

The poll is available until 26.02.2025

January 22, 2025

Armenian Armed Forces: The Way Forward

Should females serve in the Armed Forces of Armenia?

Armenian Ministry of Defense’s “Army Transformation Concept” highlights the need for a total, comprehensive and fundamental reassessment of approaches to the Armed Forces. Do you agree with this statement?

What issue should be prioritized by the Armed Forces of Armenia?

How would you rate the readiness of Armenian society for a potential new conflict?

What role should the Armenian Diaspora play in supporting Armenia during a time of war? (You can choose up to two options)

How should society contribute to the development of the Armed Forces of Armenia?

* These polls are intended for general engagement and informational purposes only. It is not a formal survey and should not be considered as scientific or statistically representative of any broader population.

The poll is available until 05.02.2025
January 7, 2025

The new U.S. administration

How do you think Trump's presidency will affect Armenia?

Will the US play a more active role in our region under Trump?

What priorities should Armenia have in its relations with the US? (You can choose up to two options)

How would you evaluate the impact of Armenian lobbying organizations in the United States on Armenia?

Do you believe a war with Iran could occur under a Trump administration?

If Russia achieves all of its military and political objectives in Ukraine over the next four years, how do you think this will affect Armenia?

* These polls are intended for general engagement and informational purposes only. It is not a formal survey and should not be considered as scientific or statistically representative of any broader population.

The poll is available until 20.01.2025
December 12, 2024
Healthcare and Demographics

Mental Health

How do you rate the level of stress in your daily life?

To what extent are you able to manage stress?

Who do you turn to for help in stressful situations first?

How do you feel about the idea of getting psychological support?

How often do you use the services of a psychologist?

What prevents you from using a psychologist's services?

Do you know anyone who uses the services of a psychologist?

How do you feel about people who use the services of a psychologist?

* These polls are intended for general engagement and informational purposes only. It is not a formal survey and should not be considered as scientific or statistically representative of any broader population.

The poll is available until 30.12.2024
November 29, 2024
War, Conflicts and Security

Security, Defense, Foreign Policy

Should Armenia withdraw from the CSTO?

Should Armenia make efforts to join NATO?

Should Armenia build its security architecture by focusing primarily on increasing its capabilities, without relying on any alliances?

How do you feel about the prospect of opening the border between Armenia and Turkey?

Which of the following countries and unions, apart from Azerbaijan, pose the greatest threat to Armenia's security? (Choose up to 3 answers)

Which of the following countries and unions contribute the most to strengthening Armenia's security? (Choose up to 3 answers)

Are you willing to personally participate in the defense of Armenia? If so, how?

In your opinion, what was the main reason for the defeat in the 44-day war? (Choose up to 3 answers)

* These polls are intended for general engagement and informational purposes only. It is not a formal survey and should not be considered as scientific or statistically representative of any broader population.

The poll is available until 06.12.2024
November 19, 2024
Diaspora Communities

Armenia-Diaspora: Key Issues

Should Armenia abandon the international recognition of the Genocide?

In your opinion, what is the most important aspect of Armenia-Diaspora relations at this point in time?

In your opinion, to what extent should Armenia align its foreign policy with that of the Diaspora?

Should the Diaspora be represented in the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia?

What should be the priority of Diaspora organizations (choose up to 2 options)?

* These polls are intended for general engagement and informational purposes only. It is not a formal survey and should not be considered as scientific or statistically representative of any broader population.

The poll is available until 29.11.2024
November 11, 2024
Healthcare and Demographics

5 Poll Questions on Healthcare

How well do you think the Armenian healthcare system responds to the needs of its citizens?

How would you rate the transparency of healthcare funding and spending in Armenia?

What should be the primary focus of Armenia's healthcare governance to improve system efficiency and patient outcomes? (choose up to 3 answers)

Would the establishment of independent bodies to monitor and evaluate healthcare services improve healthcare governance in Armenia?

Should Armenia further explore public-private partnerships to enhance healthcare infrastructure and services?

* These polls are intended for general engagement and informational purposes only. It is not a formal survey and should not be considered as scientific or statistically representative of any broader population.

The poll is available until 19.11.2024