Article by
Alec Seferian
Topic: Healthcare and Demographics

Op ed: Addressing Armenia’s Demographic Challenges


Since its independence from the Soviet Union on September 21,1991, Armenia’s population has declined from 3.6 million people to 2.8 million, according to data from World Population Review, an independent organization that collates and analyzes demographic data and is used by over 10 million people each month.

The latest census conducted by the Armenian government in October 2022 showed a permanent population of 2.93 million people, with a current population of 2.64 million people. The permanent population counts everyone with Armenian residency, even if they have recently emigrated. The current population count includes all individuals present in Armenia on the day of the census, regardless of their permanent residency status.

These unorthodox census methods don’t offer the most accurate measurements, but together with third party estimates they underscore the alarming trend of population decline.

Read full article here.

Article by 2024
Alec Seferian
Topic:Healthcare and Demographics