Article by
Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan
Topic: Diaspora Communities

A Diaspora-Portal as a door to knock on for non-monetary development in small economies: a diaspora policy proposal based on an Armenian Diaspora Online Survey


In academic economic discourse, diasporas have largely been considered potential conduits for economic development in their self-identified ancestral homelands. This has been particularly true for Armenia. Mostly through the efforts of individuals and/or organizations, diasporas throughout the world, including the Armenian diaspora, have a history of offering significant charitable, humanitarian, or financial support to the ancestral homeland primarily in an occasional manner. Often, these efforts are dependent on fundraising efforts in the local diaspora communities. Despite these contributions however, there is no established institutionalized system that can facilitate mutually beneficial outcomes for both the home-country and the diaspora. Also to consider are the possible non-monetary contributions diasporas can offer through stronger involvement in the home country’s economic and social development.

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Article by 2019
Aleksandr V. Gevorkyan
Topic:Diaspora Communities